One size fits all, well most!

I’m not a big fan of the saying one size fits all as this is rarely the case (unless it’s a scarf, handbag or earrings!). One size fits an awful lot of people is probably more accurate, just not very catchy!

We have one brand, AKH, that does fantastic one size only clothing.
This season we found a sister company to AKH that also does really lovely one size pieces. It’s actually a brother company as the guy who owns the company is the brother of Mr AKH but I’m trying to avoid too much pedantry… pedanticness… pedancy…podiatry… hmmm, you know that I mean!
I would say that our one size pieces fit sizes 18-26 quite happily so check out our fab one size pieces which are all made of super soft fabrics and look superb with black, white or denim. Gorgeous!
I’m putting in the armpit to armpit measurements on these pieces to give you a better idea of size. They are meant to be worn loosely.

These companies specialise in the German Lagenlook but I feel that perhaps their ‘look’ (shown below) isn’t quite up most people’s strasse.

A step too far for most of us I feel 😊
There’s loads more in store so come on down to see it all in person if you can.
Click here to have a look at all the new arrivals. More goodies are arriving daily at the moment so don’t miss out.
Make an appointment to come and see us or place an order online and we will get your goodies out to you as soon as we can. We do our very best to send things on the day the order is placed but it’s not always possible.
Stay safe and well ladies.
Happy shopping!